Week of July 23, 2023

 Dear Parishioners,


The parables of Jesus continue. It was through parables that Jesus intended to both reveal and conceal the mysteries of the kingdom of God (often referred to as the “kingdom of heaven” in Matthew’s Gospel). I think the first thing for us to appreciate in Jesus’ teaching is that phrase, “kingdom of heaven” – that is the subject of each and every parable. Through His parables, Jesus wants to help us understand how God operates from His sovereign throne in His designs for the world. In this sense, Jesus “reveals” the kingdom of heaven through His parables. But the nature of His parables and Jesus’ use of various “images” (painting a picture with words) simultaneously “conceals” the mystery of the kingdom of heaven. Through His parables, a mystery is enunciated, but not laid bare. It is made known, but not fully. In this sense Jesus’ parables both reveal and conceal the mystery of the kingdom of heaven. Like last weekend, Jesus explains His parable of the weeds in the field. It takes on a very “apocalyptic” tone, highlighting the activity of the devil in sowing “weeds” in God’s field and “the end of the age,” which is the end of the world as we know it. At the end of their lives, all of us and each and every person we will ever meet will inherit an eternal destiny – heaven for the souls of those who are good and faithful and just, and hell for the souls of the unjust and those who are disobedient to the natural law written on every human heart. The goal is to be among the saved, those destined for eternal life in heaven. The first reading from the Book of Wisdom helps understand how God deals with all people, with mercy and lenience. May God help all of us to be among those who will inherit eternal life with Him. 


God bless,

Fr. Diehm   

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